Shibari Lexicon/Terms
Glossary of shibari terms for my own memorization
- tenugui - a bandana like cloth, can be used as a blindfold, head rest in suspension or to keep sweat of of the eyes.
- furoshiki - a good wide square cloth used to bundle rope.
- kenuki - rope that ensure that other wraps don’t move.
- tengu - chicken wing / Trex arms
- teppo - rifle tie
- bite - the bent middle of a doubled up rope
- stem - a vertical column with a tie, usually something the has rope wrapping around it.
- wrap - usually a designation of rope being coiled around wide column, ie top wrap, bottom wrap.
- munter - munter hitch
- hitch - a regular hitch
- L Friction - under the stem, over the stem, under the wrap, over the wrap, under the stem.
- shinju - breast/chest harness, sometime refers to breast bondage.
- tsuri - usually added to indcate a suspension
- kinbaku - literally “tight binding”. It does not convey the meaning of sexual bondage outside SM circles. However, some experts, e.g. Kinoko Hajime and Osada Steve, make a distinction from “shibari” in that it is used to refer to sessions with a strong emotional exchange.
- kinbakushi - kinbaku master, can be shortened to bakushi.
- nawashi - literally, “a maker of rope”, but in SM circles it means a professional “rope artist”
- shibaru - tie or bind with a rope
- Hojojutsu - the martial art of restraint through rope.
Patterns / Ties
- takate kote - box tie
- Ushiro takate kote – Foundational form for most shibari ties, capturing the upper body / breasts and arms behind back (when ushiro) in a “U” shape behind the back
- Single wrist binding 片手首縛り Katate kubi shibari
- Both wrists binding 両手首縛り Ryoute kubi shibari
- Handcuff binding 手錠縛り Tejou shibari
- Prisoner handcuff binding 連行手錠縛り Renkou tejou shibari
- Hands behind the back binding 後ろ手縛り Ushiro te shibari
- High hands behind the back binding 後ろ高手小手縛り(簡易型 Ushiro takate kote shibari)
- Hands behind the head tie 後頭後ろ手縛り Koutou ushiro te shibari
- Tasuki (kimono string) tied 襷(タスキ)縛り Tasuki (tasuki ) shibari
- Crotch rope tie また縄縛り Mata nawa shibari
- Turtle (diamond pattern) binding 亀甲縛り(菱縄縛り) Kikkou shibari (hishi nawa shibari)
- Upright standing binding 直立不動一本縛り Chokuritsu fudou ippon shibari
- Cross-legged binding 胡座 縛り Agura shibari
- Shrimp binding 海老縛り Ebi shibari
- Reverse shrimp. Gyaku ebi
- Reverse shrimp binding 逆さ海老縛り Sakasa ebi shibari
- Standing partial suspension 立ち吊り縛り Tachi tsuri shibari
- One foot lifted partial suspension 片足上げ吊り縛り1 Kataashi age tsuri shibari
- Hanging letter M, open leg binding M字開脚吊り縛り M ji kaikyaku tsuri shibari
- Reverse hanging shrimp binding 逆海老吊り縛り Gyaku ebi tsuri shibari
- Reverse prayer hands 後手 合掌 縛り – Gote gasshou shibari
- Arms bound in front 前手 肘 縛り – Maete hiji shibari
- Legs bound together 両足 合体 – 文字 縛り– Ryouashi gattai Ichimonji Shibari
- Rifle tie 鉄砲 縛り– Teppou shibari
- Leg, calf to thigh 太もも – Futomomo
- High hands on front tie 前方 高手 縛り– Zenpou takate shibari
- Kataashi tsuri – a “one-legged suspension”
- Tanuki – a “raccoon dog” - suspended from ankles and wrists backwards
- Tazuki – a “crisscross harness”
- Agoura/Agura – a less severe tie similar to an ebi
- Hishi – a tie using diamond shapes. When done as a full body tie, it is sometimes also called hishi-kikkou.
- Kikkou – a body tie that ends with a tortoise shell design in the front upper torso.
- Karada – a Japanese word used in the West for body (body harness, a “rope dress”)